Projet Ongoing

Predeformed Sources for the High-Resolution Analysis of Radio Frequency Radiation Impact on Brain Activity (SourcEs pré-déformées pour des analyses haute résolution de l’impaCt du rayonnement radiofréquence sur LActIvité cérébRale )

Project partners

CNR, Italy

IMEC, Belgium

INERIS, France

Télécom Paris, France

ULB, Belgium

UU, The Netherlands

  • Project objectives

    This project offers an innovative high resolution/RF radiation EEG recording system, making it possible, for the first time, to achieve a high-resolution EEG recording in the presence of a source of RF radiation.

    If the EEG cap has the effect of distorting the radiofrequency field compared to the distortion that would occur without the cap (the present field in real-life scenarios), then pre-distortion could compensate this effect. In other words, if there is an EEG cap and the radiated field is pre-distorted properly and very precisely, the EEG cap distortion would restore the original RF field model in the absence of the EEG cap. This would enable several EEG measurements to be searched for simultaneously in the presence of RF radiation.

  • Search axes

    More precisely, the project’s aim will be reached thanks to the following related objectives:

    Given that a high-resolution EEG recording system significantly distorts a radiated RF field in the brain, this project will first aim to detect models (depending on the subject) of this field distortion (objective 1). This will be achieved by using advanced computation paradigms which will accurately detect the distortion required for a given subject studied, thanks to well-known inverse source patterns.

    Factoring in the models detected via objective 1, the project will focus on real time inversion and take sensitivity data into consideration, to arrive at a pre-distortion technology source appropriate for the subject as well as a source model for the new measurement system (objective 2).

  • Results

    The results obtained thanks to objectives 1 and 2 will provide the right source parameters to use to obtain pre-formed fields. They will provide the same RF field in the brain, irrespective of whether there were an EEG cap or not. The aim of the third objective will then be to produce the hard technology required to radiate the sources identified. These components are developed with accurately controlled dense networks with real-time technology and fast algorithms.

    The ultimate achievement of the three objectives will be to provide the pre-distorted RF-EEG recording system. A validation phase will test and verify the confirm the system’s proper operation, as well as its applicability to the study of radiofrequency field effects on brain activity.