A research and teaching chair at Télécom Paris

Modeling, Characterizing and Controlling Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves

Created in 2015, the chair brings together researchers from Télécom Paris and IMT Atlantique with the support of the Agence Nationale des Fréquences. This theme is a major societal issue. Through its research work, it contributes to the characterization, analysis and modeling of exposure to electromagnetic waves induced by telecommunications systems and networks. These results feed the standardization work carried out in this area.

Societal aspects, such as the perception of risk, are also addressed in a multidisciplinary framework that is at once technological, sociological and philosophical.

The chair conducts its research in five areas:

  • Digital and experimental dosimetry
  • Statistical modeling of exposure, stochastic dosimetry
  • Influence of technologies and network architectures on exposure
  • Standardization of exposure assessment methods
  • Parameters governing the social perception of risk

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