5G, or the fifth generation of mobile communications, is regularly accused on social networks of being harmful to humans, dangerous to their health or even a “killer” weapon, and many Internet users are warning of its dangers. However, this communications technology based on the broadcasting of electromagnetic waves is not very different from previous generations of mobile communications, such as 4G, especially at the current stage of its deployment in France. […]
Joe Wiart, professor at Télécom Paris and holder of the C2M chair (characterisation, modelling and control of electromagnetic waves), goes into more detail about exposure thresholds: “The ICNIRP establishes levels on the basis of studies carried out on the subject and then sets a margin. For example: above a certain level, I start to feel effects that could have an impact on my health. And if I continue a little longer, a deleterious effect. To avoid these levels, we take a safety margin of 50 or 10 depending on the zone and the organ.
“Today, all the scientific analyses that have been carried out have only succeeded in demonstrating the existence of thermal effects [of electromagnetic waves]. We can always say: ‘Maybe there are effects other than thermal effects’: that’s why we’re continuing the research. We can’t say: ‘No, they don’t exist’, we can only say: ‘We haven’t identified them'”, continues the expert. […]
To find out more: in French on AFP Actuel