eSoftThings, INSA, IMT Atlantique, Orange, MVG, Tact Factory, Télécom Paris
The first and main objective of OptimiSME will be to develop software tools partly embedded in local infrastructure network components. These tools aim to achieve the optimization of infrastructure components during initial network deployment, as well as managing and optimizing network radio resources, based on network supervision and use learning.
Project OptmiSME’s second objective is to specify and mockup network infrastructure components, the support for several radios. To reduce the deployment cost of a large radio network, various access points for high- and low-debit service supports will be shared on converging devices. Appropriate choice of technology will limit the cost of network extenders.
To meet its objectives, OptimiSME has been built around a consortium of companies and labs that represent the entire chain of innovation for the development of products and services. The consortium brings together a number of value chain players: one large group (Orange), one medium-size enterprise (MVG), two small and medium-size enterprises (eSoftThings, Tact Factory), and two academic institutions, INSA and Institut Mines-Télécom (Télécom Bretagne, Télécom Paris). This is a good match, with multidisciplinary themes and partners’ complementary skills making it possible to reuse results among partners.
The local network optimization set out by OptimiSME needs to factor in many constraints: